Codependency is a term often used to describe a pattern of behavior where one person’s emotional needs and sense of self-worth become excessively tied to their relationship with another. If you’re questioning whether you might be codependent, here are some key signs and reflections to consider. Understanding these patterns can help you assess your relationship dynamics and take steps toward healthier interactions.

Signs of Codependency

  1. Neglecting Your Own Needs
    • Do you consistently put your partner’s needs and desires above your own, even at the expense of your own well-being?
    • Are you frequently neglecting your own health, goals, or interests to focus on your partner?
  2. People-Pleasing
    • Do you go out of your way to please your partner, often at the cost of your own comfort or values?
    • Are you overly concerned with avoiding conflict or disapproval from your partner?
  3. Difficulty Making Decisions
    • Do you rely heavily on your partner to make decisions for you or feel paralyzed when you have to make choices independently?
    • Are you unable to make decisions without your partner’s input or approval?
  4. Low Self-Esteem
    • Do you feel that your worth and self-esteem are dependent on your partner’s approval or presence?
    • Is your sense of self tied closely to how your partner views you or treats you?
  5. Over-Involvement in Partner’s Problems
    • Are you excessively involved in your partner’s issues or problems, trying to fix or control their life to make them better?
    • Do you find yourself sacrificing your own needs to support or manage your partner’s difficulties?
  6. Fear of Abandonment
    • Do you experience intense fear or anxiety about being abandoned or rejected by your partner?
    • Are you clinging to the relationship or tolerating unhealthy behaviors to avoid the possibility of separation?

Reflections for Self-Assessment

  • Emotional Reactions: Reflect on how you feel when your partner is upset or when there are conflicts. Are your emotional reactions tied to their feelings rather than your own?
  • Personal Growth: Consider whether you have opportunities for personal growth and independence outside of the relationship. Do you feel like you’re growing as an individual or solely through the relationship?
  • Boundaries: Assess how you handle boundaries in the relationship. Are your boundaries respected, or do you often find yourself overstepping or compromising your own limits?
  • Support Systems: Evaluate your support systems. Do you rely solely on your partner for emotional support, or do you have other sources of support and connection?

Next Steps

If you recognize codependent patterns in your behavior, it’s important to take steps towards healing and creating a more balanced relationship:

  • Build Self-Esteem: Engage in activities and practices that foster self-worth and independence. Strengthening your sense of self outside of the relationship is crucial.
  • Set Boundaries: Practice setting healthy boundaries and asserting your needs. Learning to say no and prioritize your own well-being is essential.
  • Seek Professional Support: Consider therapy or counseling to explore the underlying causes of codependency and develop healthier relationship patterns.
  • Develop Independence: Focus on personal interests, hobbies, and goals that contribute to your individual growth and sense of fulfillment.
  • Improve Communication: Work on open, honest communication with your partner. Address any issues directly and strive for a balanced, respectful relationship dynamic.


Recognizing codependency involves reflecting on your own behavior and relationship dynamics. By identifying signs of codependency and taking steps to address them, you can work towards healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Building self-esteem, setting boundaries, and seeking professional support are key components in overcoming codependency and fostering balanced, respectful connections.


Contact our Boulder, Colorado office for a free 20-minute phone consultation if you’re interested in individual or couples counseling. We also offer telehealth throughout the state of Colorado