“You Need to Face Your Fears”
That’s what you’ve heard about treating anxiety over and over.
You know the thoughts aren’t rational. But tell that to your body when your brain takes over.
It just seems too hard!
That’s where Virtual Reality Therapy can help.
What is Virtual Reality ExposureTherapy?
Virtual Reality (VR) is a way to replace your experience of reality with a computer-generated environment by wearing a VR headset that goes over your eyes. The headset tracks your head movements, allowing your brain to get “tricked” into thinking the “virtual” reality is your new reality. And when you pair this with headphones and listen to audio tailored to that environment, it creates an immersive experience so that you feel like you’re actually in that virtual world – pretty cool stuff.
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) uses VR technology focused on psychological interventions.
There are so many situations with which people struggle that may take longer to treat with traditional talk therapy. VRET makes use of virtual environments that are hard (if not impossible) to re-create in real life.
In a virtual world, specific fears and worries can be more conveniently treated in a controlled and gradual way, customized to your needs, so it doesn’t feel so overwhelming.
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Anxiety
When it comes to fear and anxiety, exposure (“facing your fear”) is considered the most effective treatment. And while VR doesn’t perfectly look like real life, its power rests in the fact that your brain’s emotional center reacts to fear in mere milliseconds, so much faster than it takes the part of your brain responsible for logic to tell you it’s not real.
VRET can be used in conjunction with cognitive-behavioral therapies so that you have a better chance of successfully facing your fears – and moving on with your life.
VRET Is Customized for You
VRET is a safe and proven treatment for many phobias and fears, anxiety, and other psychological concerns.
VRET is available in the comfort of your own home via telehealth without the use of any fancy equipment.
VRET Helps To Address Many Conditions and Areas, Including:
Eating Disorders
Social and Generalized Anxiety
Chronic Pain and Other Health Concerns
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Social and Communication Skills Training
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Performance Anxiety and Enhancement
It Doesn’t Have to Be This Hard Anymore
Find out how Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy can help you overcome anxiety, phobias, and worry.
Call me today at (720) 845-6600 or email drjodiebenabe@somethingwildwellness.com to schedule a free 20-minute consultation.