There’s a War in Your Head
No one knows how bad things are for you.
You beat yourself up all the time and your mind is never quiet, struggling between the will to go on and the want to give in.
Always uncomfortable in your skin, you care too much half the time, and not enough the rest.
Sometimes you don’t want to matter to anyone, but then, you resent that you don’t feel like you do.
Everything is Too Much
It all takes so much effort that you get overwhelmed and shut down.
Nothing seems to make you feel better.
The world is so large, yet you exist so narrowly in it – wanting to hide but knowing that’s no way to live.
You feel drained from all the trying and the not trying.
Life Feels Like It’s Passing You By
Things used to be so much easier. But the older you get, the harder it all seems.
A lot has happened to you, a lot of disappointment and frustration, in both yourself and others.
It doesn’t feel safe anymore.
There must be another way.
Take Back Your Life
None of us exists in a vacuum, but it can feel that way.
When you’ve learned one singular way of thinking, you can’t easily see other options.
The thought of change can seem impossible — but it’s not.
Transform Your Thoughts
Learning to feel different in your skin first starts with your mind.
Fear and self-doubt don’t have to dominate you any longer.
By changing your self-limiting thoughts, you can stop playing small and live your best life.
Therapy Tailored to Your Mind
Therapy is not supposed to be a “once-size-fits-all” approach. We’ll work together to actively and strategically set goals and deal with what’s specifically going on for you in a way that’s manageable. We’ll measure your progress over time, so it doesn’t seem like you’re wasting more of it.
As a clinician, I mainly use Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and its different forms (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or ACT and Dialectical Behavior Therapy or DBT). These are effective therapies that help change your thinking, allowing you to feel better and more skillfully cope with everything life throws your way.
I also incorporate Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT), an innovative and powerful way of helping you do exposure therapy and address things like anxiety and phobias, fears related to food and negative body image, bullying, sports performance enhancement, pain management, mindfulness, relaxation training, and more.
The best part is that we can do this from the comfort of your own home, so there’s no need to worry about dealing with traffic or getting to an office on time.
There is Hope
The fact that you’re looking for help means that there’s a part of you that’s ready to change.
Don’t just stop there because life is too short for things to keep continually being so hard.
Reach out today to discover how we can turn things around and get you to reach your full potential!
Call me at (720) 845-6600 or email to get started!